Hello, have you ever had something go so wrong, it blew up everything you knew to be true about yourself and the world around you?  Grief does that.  It beats the crap out of you, picks you up and throws you into the new day.  Every day. 

My son was killed. It catapulted my family into a community of mourners.  It is where I live now.   If you know love, you will also know loss.  Here, I share stories of great loss, the struggles of mine and my fellow grief warriors. This is also a place of hope and discovery.  It is a place to explore how we might be able to one day whisper, Good Mourning, to our grief. 

If you are new to grief, know that although grief is an individual journey, you are not alone. Start reading my blogs, from the beginning. Where I was and you are now. And if you need someone, reach out to me. I am here for you.

  • Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen
    One of the very first books I read after Zane was killed was written by Christina Rasmussen. Her story was about her beloved husband who passed from cancer. Her heart could not believe that he was gone, so she set out to search for a way to connect with his spirit. The results and how… Read more: Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen
  • A Chapter in Our Tapestry
    When you live with grief, you are always looking for new and neat ways to honor your loved one.  Recently, we were asked to send in a story about a friend who is dying. His wife is collecting them to make them into a beautiful keepsake book. The story can be an experience you had… Read more: A Chapter in Our Tapestry
  • Message In a Pot of Soup
    Since the beginning of time, there has been an intuitive need to feed those in mourning. The day we were told Zane was killed, our house was flooded with family and friends who brought food and not just for us.  No, for the first week, we had at least thirty people in and out and… Read more: Message In a Pot of Soup
  • Time to Shake Up Traditions
    August is our ugly month. It holds so much loss, so much pain. Each year, our family holds our breath and plunges into the month with the hopes that we will survive.  And we do. This year was different. Our past traditions were challenged by the different emotions of our family.  We are all grieving,… Read more: Time to Shake Up Traditions
  • Experiences Through Surrender-Part Two
    I’d be amiss if I didn’t share the realization that I came to when visiting family this summer. I am not sure how or more importantly why our individual souls chose to group together as relatives for this lifetime with grief as the number one challenge.  It seems that my holiday mantra, ‘surrender’ helped open… Read more: Experiences Through Surrender-Part Two