Hello, have you ever had something go so wrong, it blew up everything you knew to be true about yourself and the world around you?  Grief does that.  It beats the crap out of you, picks you up and throws you into the new day.  Every day. 

My son was killed. It catapulted my family into a community of mourners.  It is where I live now.   If you know love, you will also know loss.  Here, I share stories of great loss, the struggles of mine and my fellow grief warriors. This is also a place of hope and discovery.  It is a place to explore how we might be able to one day whisper, Good Mourning, to our grief. 

If you are new to grief, know that although grief is an individual journey, you are not alone. Start reading my blogs, from the beginning. Where I was and you are now. And if you need someone, reach out to me. I am here for you.

  • Thoughts for Thanksgiving
    Thanksgiving is here; the annual inventory of what we are grateful for. The symbolistic holiday of who sits at your table. It is a beautiful fall day as I write this and as I reflect, I have much to be thankful for. Many bittersweet things to be grateful for. This year highlighted the importance of… Read more: Thoughts for Thanksgiving
  • Sergio and the Hurricane
    One of my biggest fears is being caught in a natural disaster so when the destination wedding was chosen to be in Mexico during hurricane season, I fretted.  And sure enough, part of our week-long holiday included experiencing Hurricane Helene in her infancy. A stage one hurricane. As I checked storm watch the guests and… Read more: Sergio and the Hurricane
  • The Battles of Grief
    The day before we left for our Mexico trip, we went to see Geoff in hospice. He was actively dying, and I had suggested that I wanted him to hold on until I got back. As I sat with him, just the two of us, I realized it was his time. I hugged him and… Read more: The Battles of Grief
  • Welcome Home by Najwa Zebian
    I picked up the book “Welcome Home” because of its tag line, “a guide to building a home for your soul”. We are told that when great loss arrives, we will never be the same.  Nor should we want to. I have bought into that theory. However, this belief then begs the question, where does… Read more: Welcome Home by Najwa Zebian
  • The Tricycle Travels to Mexico
    Our family is busy packing up to go to Mexico for a wedding. As one who does not want to travel, especially by plane to a hot country in hurricane season for a week of sun & sand to which neither I am to be near defeats the whole attitude of, “oh you must be… Read more: The Tricycle Travels to Mexico