I’m not sure what your beliefs are.  I do know that when great loss is experienced, whatever your beliefs are comes into question.  I always believed there is a reason for everything.  I believed in a higher power to which I prayed to daily and raised my children to believe you must ‘trust the plan’.  And then 2018 arrived and I can’t believe there is any sort of magical plan to justify what has happened. 

So when my girlfriend dropped off several books on stories shared by various popular mediums, I placed the pile on my shelf and pondered is this for me?   I believed in angels.  I believed in after life and perhaps that made it easier to think there are spirits able to visit us.  Or maybe it is just a sheer desire to connect with Zane again. When you are grieving, all you have is hope that your loved one is nearby still.   And I believe in love, God, vibration energy…things I can’t see or explain so it wasn’t a far stretch for me to believe in the spirit world.

The first book from this pile was “Unfinished Business” by James Van Praagh, a world-famous medium with over 25 years experience speaking to the other side.

This book was about those who no longer live on earth, what they can teach us about life. It contains many stories of readings he has given and how loved ones from across the veil have brought powerful and healing messages.

Some chapters resonated with me, others gave me hope.  One chapter (on karma) scared the crap out of me.  Overall a great read containing lessons that all of us can practice while we are here on earth.

Every belief I had, I have now questioned. Some beliefs I have a new understanding with. Others, the jury is still out. And my grief has given me new beliefs, among them that anything is possible.