I have always felt better about life when I visit the mountains. It is something my children and I share.

I’m not sure if it’s the crisp air or the majestic scenery or the quiet sounds of nature.

Maybe it’s the combination of all these things. It is soothing. It is calming. It gives you permission to slow down and take deep breaths. The pressures of life are left behind in the city, as the snow capped mountains encircle my view. They seem to say “welcome home”.

So, when my grief overcomes every aspect of my life, I pack up an overnight bag and head to the mountains.

I usually travel with my sister and the day will be filled with some retail therapy, a bottle of wine and heart to heart conversations that go well into the night.

By morning I have a renewed hope that I will be ok.

The beauty of these short but necessary trips also make me feel closer to Zane. His love of this area and trips to experience Zen meant so much to him.  The mountains have always been magical for me; as he knew and encouraged me to go often.  In the mountains, I feel his presence beside me.

I think when we visit a place our loved ones treasured, we can energetically feel the shared joy, the positive experiences had and it reassures us of the connection we will always have with them. When we visit these places, we are in essence, reaching across the realms to spend time with those we miss.