A blog about my adventures as a grief warrior

Putting on Yellow Rainboots

Here we are. 2022. A New Year. And yet nothing has changed.  You are still there.  I am still here. What will this year bring? More struggle, more sorrow?

What would you want for me?  I know not that. And yet, here I am. Perhaps this year I will try something different.  Something new. Perhaps this year I will put on yellow rainboots and splash in the puddles of my tears.

Perhaps I will hike, in yellow rainboots to new paths that I know we wanted to travel together. And I will carry my notebook, I will carry your camera.  And I will write about these adventures. 

I will take this year to notice the signs from you, from heaven, even more so. Your guidance will move me, in yellow rainboots, towards the sites we wish to go.

The rain can splash onto my yellow rainboots, each tiny drop bringing me a memory of you. A reminder that you are always beside me. That we walked this life together and that we still do.

Maybe, just maybe, this could be a better year with a pair of yellow rainboots. A sunny, yellow, symbol of hope. A comfortable, warm, protective apparel to move me forward.

Yes, perhaps this year I will find the strength to carry on with the help of a pair of yellow rainboots.

1 Comment

  1. Minitek.gr

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

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