Besides casseroles, squares and flowers, the number one ‘gift’ we received was books. I now have a growing library of books related to grief. Who would have guessed? I am an avid reader, mostly non-fiction, related to my work or self growth. And so I guess my books about grief fall into the self growth category.
My first read I wanted something comforting. From my pile, I chose “Tear Soup”, a beautifully illustrated story affirming the bereaved. Written by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck Deklyen, and illustrated by Taylor Bills, it’s comparison of grief to the making of soup are relatable for any age. I cried, actually I sobbed, when reading this. My grief was very new and I related to Grandy. I shared her pain. I read it over and over. It contains hope, it contains tips and it contains resources to find help with your own grief. It also makes a great gift to give with your own jar of homemade soup to someone you know who is grieving.

You can buy this book at your local book store, Indigos or on Amazon at:
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