One of my on-line spiritual mentors is Mike Dooley. Before Zane was killed, I had signed up for his emails called “A Note from the Universe”-whimsical emails about life. After Zane was killed, the messages became too real as if God himself was sending them.
August 8th, 2018: the day after Zane was killed. I am in shock. I need him to come back. My eternal wish from that day forward is a life with him in it. I received this email:
“Be there, Janica. Go there now and never leave. Imagine that your dreams have already come true. Live your life from that mindset…not the illusions that now surround you.”
August 13th, 2018: what should have been his 27th birthday, became the day we gathered to celebrate his life on earth. I received this email:
“There are absolutely no worldly circumstances, Janica, under which you can’t or shouldn’t be making the very best of things. Including today…”
August 21st, 2018: The agony, the disbelief, I can’t understand or accept how this can be. I receive this email:
“When you see things that pain you, Janica, that sadden you, or that make your heart ache, remember…you’re not seeing all.”
I unsubscribed. I wasn’t ready to hear about joy or that death cannot take the connection I have with my son. I was in too much pain. But the Universe kept sending me opportunities and months later, I started following Mike and signing up for his courses. The most recent course, he introduced us to Davidji, a meditation guru, who took us on a 21-day meditation journey.
In the privacy of my home, through Facebook, this California Santa welcomed us to “feather our nest as comfort is Queen”. Although it was a meditation journey, each day the lessons gave me tools to deal with my grief. Some of the teachings brought tears as the reality of my grief bubbled and other meditations brought strength, where hope quietly stepped forward.
We asked our selves, “who am I, what am I grateful for, what does my heart long for?” Then we sat still to listen for the responses to come. I am always changing, perhaps because, with grief, I am learning the new me. It makes sense and the realization that it is happening becomes acceptable. I am less frustrated with change. My grateful list is constant. What my heart longs for made me wince. I am not on the path that my heart longs for, but I can now see it.
We learned about forgiveness through meditation. Forgiveness for what we have done that we know of and that we don’t know of. For the hurt bestowed upon us. For the inability to change the past. This meditation opens your heart to how much pain is out there; how much pain is inside each of us that we carry. This meditation empowers you to be aware that there is more than one viewpoint.
I am a cheerleader for meditation; I believe it helps physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I believe it increases our vibration and thus our ability to connect to our loved ones on the other realm. Davidji and Mike Dooley, together give a box full of effective methods to connect to our own cosmos, to live better with grief and to invite possibility in.
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